Confiscation of Russian assets, analyse of the legal possibilities (contribution in “Overheid & Aansprakelijkheid)
Memo on the sanctions against Russia. Answers on questions of the media). April 2022). Memo actualiteiten sancties tegen Rusland (april 2022)
Interview with Heleen over de Linden by Follow The Money (Siem Eikelenboom) on the sanctions against Rusland and related issues.
Presentation of Heleen over de Linden for a UA legislative advisory committee and prosecutor, about the EU sanctions against Crimea. (13 September 2021)
Why sanctions against Russia will not ameliorate the situation (opinion in the National Newspaper Trouw by Heleen over de Linden, 2 February 2022
The influence of the EU sanctions on the purchase of the Sputnik-V vaccin Opinion of Heleen over de Linden in the Dutch national newspaper Trouw, 10 March 2021.
Actualities about the EU sanctions against Russia, Eastern-Ukraine and Crimea 7 years of EU sanctions from a legal perspective.